About Me

Posted by Weezer | 6:56 PM

I'm an avid gamer who loves his Xbox 360 a bunch.

Much like everyone else out there in this world that owns an Xbox 360, I started on the Atari back when I was 8 living in Sacramento California.

Ever since then, I've had an addiction to playing video games and trying my hardest to either beat or master every game I own lol!

I've probably spent nearly a million dollars in the arcades throughout my life so far - who hasn't right?

I'm 27 years old, I currently live in Denver Colorado and I'm single whoooo! Ladies watch out!!!

I started this blog recently to help those with all the major complications the Xbox 360 comes with, I've come to find out (the hard way) that if you keep preventive maintenance on your console, your less likely to have major problems with it later.

I'm trying my best to keep my new blog updated with new content and solutions to different errors the Xbox is known for.

If anyone has any comments or suggestions please feel free to contact me anytime at baclinsblog@gmail.com

I hope you find the answers your looking for on this blog and if you don't you will the next time you visit.

Thanks for stopping by,


  1. Anonymous March 19, 2009 at 4:16 PM  

    Hi i have 4 xbox 360 that are all broke 2 with error 2 with red ring i dont understand what it is u have to do to keep these working i am on my 5 one now ..is there anything i can do please email me back if u can help thanks...
